Rapid Resolution Therapy®

Does the thought of therapy make you a little uneasy? Understandably! Hours and hours drudging up the past and having someone nod their head occasionally doesn’t sound like much fun! RRT is a unique and effective approach that can clear emotions, thoughts and behaviours in as little as 1-3 session. No, it’s not magic! It’s multi-level communication strategically designed to get your subconscious mind up to date with your conscious mind. 

RRT is helpful for sexual trauma, physical trauma, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, worry, fear, guilt, shame, resentment, anger, lack of motivation, weight loss, addiction and more. 

What’s the difference between RRT® and regular types of therapy?

With RRT there is no need to “let go” or “forgive” or “love yourself first”. There is no need to dig up painful memories and reprocess them. Traditional methods of therapy are often regarded as a long journey to healing. Weekly sessions are required, often for years, becoming costly, where pain is exposed, relived and analyzed. With RRT the root cause is pinpointed and deal with specifically. The session is completely led by the practitioner who takes complete responsibility of the success of the session. All the client needs to do is arrive! RRT® sessions are fun, interactive, engaging and painfree. Unwanted emotions and behaviours are eliminated and dramatic and lasting results are seen.

Check out the RRT® website and learn more about Dr. Jon Connelly here.