What is Madly in Love With Me™?

Madly In Love with Me™ is a catchy title (or maybe it's cheesy..?) but regardless, what exactly is the Madly in Love with Me™ course all about? I've had many people say it changed their life! 

Here's a more in depth explanation ❤️

• There are 5 workshops, each one building on the previous. We're building a foundation layer by layer, rock solid, creating a platform to jump off of when you return back to regular daily life! 

• This is not manicure/pedicure self-love (although that can be great too!). We are discovering the dialogues we have lurking in our mind that prevent us from moving forward in our life in the way we'd like. 

• You may have noticed simply trying to change your self-talk isn't the most effective. Our brain knows when we're lying to it! Reading memes about "Loving ourself first" isn't the most effective either - in fact, it often creates a new negative dialogue where we know what our self-talk should be but we just can't seem to get it that way! 

The First Workshop - The Vehicle of Self-Love - quite literally is the 'How?'  That's the most frequent complaint I hear - "But how do I do I love myself? Where do I start?" This workshop will show you how to navigate self-love regardless of what situation you may be facing. 

• The Second Workshop - Tapping Into Yourself - is recognizing which voice to listen to. It's natural being human to have many different trains of thought, many different voices, many different ideals and opinions both from ourselves and from others - how do we know which one is our truest self? 

• The Third Workshop - Communicating Your Truth - what's the point in knowing what's really going on inside of us if we can't share it with the people we need to? That's another layer of the foundation - overcoming the doubts and fears that pop up the moment we decide we're going to speak up - be it in a relationship, at work, with family or friends.. it doesn't matter - there's a way to remove self-doubt, fear and confusion before the conversation even begins. 

• The Fourth and Fifth Workshop - Boundaries and Intuition & The Movie of Your Life - These last two workshops are the final pieces to the puzzle and will help you clear up any lingering confusion in your mind. 

Expect to leave feeling clear, inspired and deeply connected to yourself!

I hope this answered some questions but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have more! 

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